《營地守則》Rules & Regulation
1. | 一切違反香港法例或擾亂公安之任何活動,抑或在場地內的行為或活動可能構成或可能導致在國安法或香港其他法律下屬危害國家安全的罪行,或不利於國家安全的罪行,均在嚴禁之列;違者除被著令離營外,並須承擔一切後果,所繳交之費用恕不退還。 |
All users must comply with the rules and regulations of the Camp and illegal activity are prohibited. User shall ensure the observance of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR and other relevant laws of Hong Kong in relation to the safeguarding of national security (“National Security Law”), and shall ensure that no act or activity which is likely to constitute or is likely to cause the occurrence of an offence endangering national security under the National Security Law or other laws of Hong Kong, or which would otherwise be contrary to the interests of national security, is engaged in the camp. Camp Staff has the right to suspend the camp at any time if failed to do so. Booking fees are non-refundable in such case. | |
2. | 若入營人數超越原先獲配允許的參加人數,必須於入營前獲得營地同意,並需另繳費用。 |
Advanced approval by the Camp is needed for any extra head of the booking and additional camp fee will apply. | |
3. | 營友須於指定時段入營及出營,並於營期間遵守營地職員指示及營地守則。 |
Campers should arrive and depart from the Camp at specified hours and follow the Rules & Regulation. | |
4. | 入營負責人須全期在營負責照顧營友及維持良好秩序。 |
There must be a camp-in-charge stay at camp with the booking group all the time and be responsible for the behavior of campers. | |
5. | 同一營舍只可以安排同一性別營友入住。 |
Please arrange campers with same sex in one dormitory. | |
6. | 如須由營地代訂膳食,請於指定時間內用膳,逾時不再供應,所繳膳費亦恕不退還。 |
Camp meal is only available during designated time; late comer will not be served and meal fees are non-refundable in such case. | |
7. | 除得到營地許可,嚴禁生火及於非指定地方煮食。 |
No fires and cooking are allowed without prior permission from the Camp Staff at non-designated places. | |
8. | 本營地為無煙營地,任何人士均嚴禁於營地及營舍內吸煙或手持燃點之香煙/電子煙。 |
Smoking is prohibited in the entire camp area and in the dormitory. | |
9. | 一切佈置、標貼或懸掛旗幟,須先徵得營地許可。 |
Disturbing poster, banner or any signages are not allowed without prior permission from the Camp. | |
10. | 未經營地許可,不設探營及不得招待外人進出營地。如發生傷亡、意外、概由當事人自行負責與本會無關。 |
No visitor without permission is allowed to enter the Camp. In the event of any injury / accident, the parties themselves are solely responsible. | |
11. | 在公眾地方請勿裸露身體或衣衫不整(穿著泳衣進行水上活動除外)。 |
Nudity is prohibited in the public area (excluding swimming suit for water sports). | |
12. | 營地及營舍內不設洗衣/晾衣設施,營友請自備足夠替換衣物及保持個人整潔衛生。 |
Laundry facility and service are not available at camp. | |
13. | 請節約能源,離開營舍時請關掉所有電源。 |
Please switch off the electrical appliances when leaving the dormitory. | |
14. | 未經許可,不得引用營內的電源及影音接線,亦切勿擅自接駁或更換。 |
Without prior permission, the use of power supply and AV system in the Camp are prohibited. | |
15. | 於營地內進行活動請注意音量避免影響其他營友及附近居民。晚上請保持安靜,營地會於晚上10時關閉營地公共地方燈光,營友請於晚上10時前完成活動並返回營舍。 |
Please be considerate and beware of the volume during activity. Lighting at the public places in the Camp will be switched off at 10p.m., all camper is suggested to return to the dormitory and finish all the activity by 10p.m. | |
16. | 凡參加水上活動者,必須穿著救生衣(營地提供)、包腳跟運動鞋(自備),並須在營地職員及教練指導下進行活 動。參加者須能穿救生衣游泳,營地有權要求參加者接受游泳測試。 |
Camper who participates in water activity is required to wear life jackets (provided by the camp) and shoes with heels (bring your own). Camper has to follow the guidance of camp staff and instructor during the activity. Also, he/she must be able to swim with a life jacket, and the camp reserves the right to require camper to take a swimming test before the activity. | |
17. | 所有水上活動/ 營地活動必須有營地認可教練或本會認可之導師督導下進行。如自備教練,必須於入營前十四天將有效的教練資歷副本電郵至營地,以便審核和確認,否則禁止進行任何活動。 |
All water activities/camp activities/ the use of activity equipment must be supervised by an instructor approved by the Camp; or you must email a certificate copy of the instructor to the Camp 14 days before the activity for approval. | |
18. | 營友不得擅自取食水作活動之用,以免浪費食水,如因擅自在不合適的場地用水作活動而發生意外,入營負責人須承擔一切後果。 |
Water supply is not allowed for use in any purpose for activity. | |
19. | 營友必須保持營地及營舍清潔及愛護公物,如有損毀或遺失營地之設備及物品,應盡快通知營地職員,本營地將要求對所損毀或遺失之物品作出賠償 (可參見【附件七】營內設備及器材賠償表)。 |
Campers will be responsible for any loss or damage caused of any campsite facilities or equipment. Please refer to the < Compensation List for Camp Facility & Equipment>. | |
20. | 所有攜來之物品應自行妥善保管,如有遺失,營地一概不負責。 |
Campers must take their own responsible for all personal belongings. The Camp is not responsible for any loss or damage. | |
21. | 未經許可,不得隨意移動營內的設施及傢具。 |
All facility and furniture in the camp are not allowed to be moved without permission. | |
22. | 營地範圍內嚴禁攜帶寵物進入。 |
Pets are not allowed within the camp area. | |
23. | 本營保留各項章則刪改權,恕未能另行通知。 |
The Camp reserves the right to modify the rules & regulations without prior notice. | |
24. | 如有任何爭議,本營地保留最終決定權。 |
HKFYG reserves the right of the final decision prior to any dispute. |