《惡劣天氣安排》Bad Weather Arrangement

1. 各團體在下列情況下可取消當天營期,並申請改期或要求退還全部或部份營費:
Refund or reschedule the camp are only applied under the following circumstances (before check-in):
訊號懸掛時間 天文台訊號
日營 上午七時
  • 3號熱帶氣旋、紅色暴雨警告訊號或以上
  • 未進行的營期若少於一天,則不設改期或退款
黃昏營 / 宿營 / 露營 正午十二時
Type of Camp Time Signal Hoisted
Day Camp 7am
  • Typhoon Signal No.3 or above / Red Rain Storm Signal or above
  • There will be no rescheduling or refund for half day programme
Evening Camp / Residential Camp / Tenting 12pm
2. 三號熱帶氣旋或以上、紅色或黑色暴雨警告於上午七時前(日營)或中午十二時 (黃昏營 / 宿營 / 露營) 前除下,用營團體應即與營地聯絡有關入營安排。若使用團體放棄入營,所繳交之費用概不退還。
In case of Typhoon Signal No.3 or above / Red Rain Storm Signal or above has been lowered before 7am (Day Camp) / 12pm (Evening Camp/ Residential Camp/ Tenting), please contact us as soon as possible for the check-in arrangement. No refund will be arranged if the booking group has decided to cancel the camp.
3. 使用營地期間,當天文台發出極端天氣如雷暴警告、暴雨訊號、或熱帶氣旋警告訊號時,即停止水上及戶外活動。
Water / outdoor activity will be suspended during the camp in case of Thunderstorm Warning, Rainstorm Warning Signal, or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal are hoisted.
4. 使用營地期間,如懸掛三號熱帶氣旋或以上、紅色或黑色暴雨警告時,營地主任或當值職員將按當時情況,決定營友是否須立即離營,不得異議。
If Typhoon Signal No.3 or above / Red Rain Storm Signal or above is hoisted during the camp, staff on duty will decide whether the camp has to be suspended and check-out immediately according to the situation.
5. 凡已進駐營地,因惡劣天氣而必須離營者,所繳交之費用概不發還。
After checked-in, no refund or reschedule will be made if the camp has been suspended due to bad weather condition.
6. 使用團體於進駐營地前,倘因天氣或其他原因導致營地關閉,停止服務,則所繳付之費用,限於營期後60天內向本營申請退還,逾期作放棄退還款項處理。
Refund is only applied if the booking group doesn’t check-in the camp. Please send an official refund application to us within 60 days of the camp date or no refund will be arranged.