傳統的體育運動講究技術、訓練和體質,要學會一門運動往往需要一段時間。然而,新興運動與傳統運動有所不同,即使對初學者而言,也能在極短時間內掌握並參與其中。而新興運動更注重貼近潮流,以新奇、刺激、易玩成為不同學校、商業機構和社福機構舉辦活動的元素。 Traditional sports emphasize skills, training, and physical fitness, and it often takes time to learn a sport. However, new sports differ from traditional ones, as even beginners can be handle and participate in very short time. New sports also focus more on being trendy, with novelty, excitement, and ease of play becoming elements for activities organized by different schools, commercial organizations, and social welfare institutions.