香港青年協會賽馬會赤柱戶外訓練營獲二零二三至二四年度戴麟趾爵士康樂基金(主要基金)撥款贊助非建設工程計劃下購置的體育/ 康樂用品,包括:2套布袋球套裝、2套芬蘭木柱套裝、1套軟式曲棍球套裝及10隻躲避盤。
HKFYG Jockey Club Stanley Outdoor Training Centre has been granted funding from the Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation (Main Fund) for 2023-2024. to support its purchase of sports/recreational equipment under Non-Capital Works Projects [2 set of Corehole equipment, 2 set of molkky equipment, 1 set of floorball equipment and 10 pieces of dodgebee].